About | This Website
A Place to Learn About Me & Other Things
First Purpose: Learn About Me
Not Your Typical Fellow
This website is meant to be a place where you can get to know me. That is one of its main functions. Everyone who has ever known me, even for a small period of time, has found me to be unlike any person they have ever met before. If you get to know me, you will find this as well. Being different makes me hard to understand, and I'll give it to you straight from the horse's mouth.
Some Caveats About People In My Personal Life
There are plenty of people who have plenty to say about me, and there is a teeny tiny problem with nearly all of them: I am a liability for them. A strange circumstance thus applies—I am the most objective source of information about me. For sure my blind spots, biases, and whatever vanity I have, affect the account I give of my life and of who I am.
I am not, however, facing prison time, civil litigation, loss of funding, reputational damage, or being put in the news. These are some of the circumstances that apply to the overwhelming majority of people who have anything to say about me. Their conduct towards me has earned them some or all of those possibilities, and this has a tendency to create a bias.
Factors At Play In Me Getting Hated On
There are other factors at play as well. As I will eventually make a web page to explain, I am a very lopsided person. It has to do with my being autistic. Autism is a condition in which the brain develops atypically. This atypical development can take on many forms and have many resultant effects on one's capabilities.
What sometimes occurs is a pronounced overdevelopment of neural connections in some areas of the brain that comes at the expense of underdevelopment in other areas. I am a clear instance of such a case, and this phenomenon results in me having very acute strengths and very acute weaknesses.
In certain contexts, I will often come across to other people as being mentally handicapped. People will think that I am intellectually disabled. It seems to them that I am profoundly impaired, and they are often right. This is not something that creates opposition from others, so in that sense, it is not really a problem.
It is the other side of the coin that has earned me some very bitter and dedicated enemies. There are other contexts that involve my strengths. In such contexts, I often come across not as intellectually disabled, but as abnormally and shockingly capable. I have been called a genius by others far more times than I can count. It was a near daily occurrence in my childhood.
Pissing Off Overly Sensitive Mammals
It is worth pointing out, before I continue, that almost all of the people who have a real problem with me share one trait—they have a penis. Women tend to like me or adore me, in the beginning or at least by the end. I am quite an odd person, and this can affect how people see me in the beginning. Women are the ultimate character detectives, though, and if I come across as being askew in some way in the beginning, all it takes is for them to stick around long enough to figure me out.
Men, however, are animals. Specifically, they are animals who cannot cope with being in a position of inferiority, and that is where my lopsided abilities will often put them. It causes the worst emotions in them. One of their typical reactions is to try to make themselves feel better by playing on one of my weaknesses.
One such weakness might be my deficit in social communication skills & the political tactics that people can use. If a manager at work feels threatened by my expertise in the subject matter of what we do, for example, he may try to subtly disrespect me when I talk to him. Who knew that well-timed bouts of deafness are a symptom of incompetence and insecurity.
Summing Up What You Need To Know - Main Takeaways
There are other things that play a role in the terrible emotions that I so often provoke in people, like my intensity, my work ethic, and my extreme ambition. For this page, I will spare you a complete explanation. The point of this is to be aware that when you are talking to someone who personally knows me in some way, that person likely feels like he has fire ants crawling under his skin when he thinks of me. Mentioning me brings those terrible emotions to the surface, and he will feel a real need to lash out, often in subtle ways.
A given person from my personal life is also very likely facing severe legal and reputational consequences due to his or her conduct towards me. My being a relative loner, and other circumstances of my life, make me look like an easy target to a lot of people, and my various aggressors have been taking shots at me and knocking the hell out of me for over 20 years. They universally figure it out, after the fact, that I'm far from an easy target. By then it is too late. They are already facing stiff consequences, and I've most often got evidence for what they have done.
Second Purpose: Learn About Other Things
A Man Of Many Interests
I am a sort of learning addict and I have many, many interests. I will be putting stuff about my various interests on this website over time. I will be starting a blog and probably a store.
Since becoming disabled, I have been "working" as an independent researcher on several topics. The main two topics are sex work and gender dysphoria. Doing research on gender dysphoria has also put me in the vicinity of the broader transgender community. I've learned some things about that too. I play it by ear, and for many months now my research into gender dysphoria has dominated my research time.
I have a sort of unique way of going about my research. It is related to the fact that due to my disability, most of the time the only thing I can do is scroll on X Platform. I will scroll and make comments on people's posts for several hours of each day. I follow people who are in a discussion about the topics I am researching. For instance, in the gender dysphoria debate we have trans people, TERFs, medical researchers, gender criticals ("GCs"), medical doctors, "allies" of each side, politicians, and academics. I follow a mix of all of these, primarily trans people, TERFs, GCs, and experts of different types.
Stay Tuned
I am continually adding to this page. As I am able and have time, it will be updated.