Please Watch The Video Above If Someone Contacts You About Me
A Bit About Me-
I am a quirky person, and several years ago I decided to use my full name on all of my social media profiles and elsewhere online. My name is Leonard Clinton Williams III. You don't know me, so let me give you some bullet points about me and this website.
Not Like Anyone You've Ever Met Before
I am an eccentric as defined by David Weeks in his book Eccentrics. Weeks describes eccentrics as people who have an exceedingly rare personality type. Our personalities are marked by many traits that are not too common. These include an almost pathologically intense curiosity, lifelong nonconformity, a lack of a need for the company of other people, and strongly held opinions. We are people who seek to make a difference in the outside world.
My personal belief is that my eccentric personality (and that of each person who has one) results from a combination of autism and a benign and partial manifestation of psychopathy. I have very good reasons for thinking this. For now, I will just say that I am autistic and my father was a psychopath. His condition, in my opinion, is largely innate, and that means that its traits are heritable. Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that is also present from birth.
A Teeny Bit Of A Wild Man
That brings me to another relevant factor about me- I'm kind of a wildman. I was an on and off rebel as a child and a young man. I've been known to cause trouble, get into mischief, and pick fights with people in my past. In my adolescence and the very first years of my adulthood, my nonconformity was not entirely benign. I have a sort of boldness in that I am not afraid of anyone, especially when they are on my territory. Pick a fight with me and you can expect me to come at you with everything that I have.
Fighting The Most Powerful People On Earth
"Coming at you with everything I have..." is exactly what some folks got, starting in 2019. My former employer, Wells Fargo, committed a serious violation of my rights in ~ December 2017. It was in April 2019 that they began to try to cover up their wrongdoing through brazen, vicious crimes against me. I caught them and built evidence at every step. They eventually corrupted the hospital where I got my routine care, Atrium Health, and I caught them every time too. This is even though the first crimes in April had me disabled with extremely severe PTSD.
By October 2020, my then 1.5 years of collecting, organizing, and analyzing evidence for the nonstop crimes being committed against me, had resulted in me having an airtight criminal case against Wells Fargo, Atrium Health, and the rest of Wells Fargo's accomplices. I turned in a 126-page complaint, that I wasn't able to proofread, to the United States Department of Justice ("US DOJ"). I had also built a web portal to house the evidence for my case. I sent the US DOJ, Health and Human Services Office of Civil Rights, and various other authorities and regulators login credentials, so that they could view and download my evidence.
A Reflexive Superpower Assault
There would be no relief in sight. The US DOJ had already been contacted by Wells Fargo, concerning my matter, by October 2020. As of at least a month prior, a cover-up of the bank's crimes was already underway. This cover-up would continue for many months, and it would involve very serious crimes and merciless criminal abuse of me. The cover-up was sponsored by the US DOJ and was largely executed by Wells Fargo and Atrium Health, with the help of others who had been brought in.
To understand why it is, that the US DOJ (which is the law enforcement arm of the United States of America), would cover-up crimes committed by Wells Fargo, you have to understand this bank's role in the economy and the consequences of its operations being disrupted or shut down. A disruption or a shutdown are exactly what my airtight criminal case would threaten if a trial was initiated.
Try Me And See What You Find Out
In giving my account of the events that I have just described, I have encountered two types of people. There is the type that gives me relentless skepticism and tries to dismiss me as quickly as possible; then there is the type that believes every word that I say. The second type, those who believe every word that I say, are not made of anything different than the first type. The difference is that they have looked at my evidence and evidence analysis materials.
Every single person who has watched my entire video series, or who has looked at my evidence and let me explain how things connect, has seen that what I say is absolutely true. My evidence is, on the whole, undeniable. This is even though there are some weak spots here and there. I have had two Ph.D. psychologists look at my evidence in significant depth. One looked mostly at the evidence I had accumulated for the initial crimes, before the cover-up. He has no doubt that those crimes occurred. He follows my reasoning on the cover-up, and he has opined on the small amount of evidence for it that he has looked at.
In early 2023, I hired another Ph.D. psychologist. Like the first one, she is highly experienced and very bright. She and I have spent dozens of hours going over my evidence, including the evidence for the cover-up. She agrees with me on every line item, from the civil law violation in 2017, to each of the crimes in 2019, to the crimes in 2020 and the cover-up that began in that same year.
I have had several acquaintances, and also some people who I met online, look at my evidence, in varying degrees of depth. These are people with backgrounds in a variety of fields, like law, retail, IT, and one graduate student. They all see the truth of what I say. There are no doubters who have looked at my evidence to any even barely significant degree.
Here's The Test (It's Not Easy, But It Can Be Fun To Play Detective)
There is a catch to learning about my case: it takes a large time investment. What I have, for anyone who is interested, is not the tidy summary and conclusion of an investigation into some wrongdoing that has occurred. It is a very large portion of the full contents of a now over 6 years long investigation into civil and criminal wrongdoing, that directly or tangentially involves dozens of people and an untold number of events. The total number of felony counts involved in this crime spree is at least in the scores, probably in the 100s, and possibly over 1,000 by now.
There are numerous technical subject matters involved, and I have 100s of evidence files. Had this investigation been done by professionals, the agency in charge would have assigned at least 3 or 4 people to it. I have done an absolute mountain of work. I have done it as a disabled person no less.
Fully understanding this requires a high level of technical expertise in psychology and/or psychiatry as I explain in this X Platform thread. With that said, most people can see what is up just by going over my videos.
If you need an understanding of why the US DOJ would do such a thing, as cover-up crimes committed by a too big to fail bank, watch the video series on this X Platform thread. I have the same video series available on YouTube here. Any expert in finance or economics (say a Ph.D. professor of economics or finance at a university) will be able to vet the facts I give in this video series.
To watch my main video series that goes over the main crimes and the evidence (which is ~ 24 hours long), go to this X Platform thread, or you can watch it on YouTube here. A third option, that some seem to like is to download my video series (and, if you want, evidence package) from this page. The whole package will take about 4gb of space on your hard disk or USB drive, but you will have the videos and evidence conveniently waiting for you anytime you want to watch them.
When you watch my video series, make sure to watch the entire video for each video. Don't just give up 5 or 10 minutes in. For example, if you watch my videos about the economic reasons, that are partially the motive for the cover-up, and you're watching video 1, watch all of video #1a and then watch all of video #1b. Same with all of the videos on my main video series. My main video series starts out kind of slow. Remember that I am disabled and was not able to script, rehearse, or otherwise plan these videos. I just think out loud. If you stick with it, you will see the truth of what I say.
A Love Note For All Of The Haters Out There
If you don't understand what I mean when I say that these Wall Street banks, and by extension the people who control them & their resources, are the most powerful people on earth, or you scoff at the notion, pose a credible threat to one of these things and then come back to me. Tell me how it went for you. These **********ers pack a punch, and when the world's only superpower gets in the ring, they'll make you a believer in just how free to do as they please these people are. I am a disabled person who fought a bank that, at the onset of my battle, had ~ $2,000,000,000,000 in assets and that has, at any given time, $150 billion to $200+ billion in cash. This puppy outweights me at a ratio of 200,000,000 to 1.
Stay Tuned
I am continually adding to this page. As I am able and have time, it will be updated.